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The discussion between two chess players touches on the mysterious recurring dream of one of them, leading to the crucial discovery of the timeless truth of the importance of living in the moment.

'Amor fati' (Latin: 'love of fate') is an expression used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in their life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, necessary. Friedrich Nietzsche's reflections on the phrase formed the concept of ‘eternal recurrence’ - the idea that, over an infinite period of time, everything recurs infinitely. An individual, therefore, develops a will to live exactly the same life over and over for all eternity.

AMOR FATI (2024) - short film by Anastasia Gandzha
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'Astra Inclinant' is the short film, which explores the concept of the metaphisical coenction between the souls and the relative significance of past, present, and future, demonstrating that feelings and emotional connection are timeless, but the physicality of the body and its social connection can change it. 

The story follows a pair of lovers through the different moments of their relationship in a specific narrative manner that a spectator is not able to identify the correct chronological order of the events and the relationship status between the characters within them. 

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Astra Inclinant (2023) - Short film
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Leamigton Spa, UK,

University of Warwick 




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